
Red is the reflection of the skies in your eyes.
Red like the sunset when you told me you loved me.
Red is the aura around your mischievous smile that taunts me into doing all the things I said I never would.
Red like the roses with their hidden thorns.
Red I see when you can't seem to realise what you did wrong.
Red is the heart that you think qualifies as conflict resolution.
Red is my lipstick stain on your white shirt.
Red is the blinding pain everytime I remember I'll never see you again.
Red like the skies today, bleeding for me.
The colours blending into each other as they turn white.
Almost translucent like the clouds my lungs have turned into.
Ready to evaporate and turn into mist like we did.
Leaving behind a jar of memories  sealed shut with the last of my tears.

                                                --Ananya Murali


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