
Stop acting so small. You are the universe in ecstatic motion.” -Rumi

I’m obsessed with myself and everything to do with me. It has to be my story if I intend to give a fuck about anything at all. There is nothing to care about if the universe doesn’t revolve around me. Since most things are out of my control , all I have is me and the Herculean task to take care of myself.

It is difficult to nurture yourself, to make time for the things that make you happy, to chase the dreams you’ve let yourself see and to find who you are. 

I am the only thing I can control. 

So it will always be about me, it simply has to be.

And I know it sounds ridiculous to be this self-centred, but you’d understand if you ever succumb to empathy. I wish I didn’t feel things the way I did, with all this intensity. 

It is exhilarating, exhausting. 

The universal balance demands lows as intense as the highs, and so on the days that I feel sorry for myself, all this selfish love I’ve saved for myself is all that keeps me from hitting rock bottom. There’s so much of me I’ve given away to things that didn’t deserve it, but that’s the thing about wasted energy and time. You only notice it after it’s gone. 

Life feels too short for regret though. You live and you learn, it’s all about you.

Make room for yourself, take up space in your own head. 

This is the narcissist’s guide to survival. 

Make yourself the centre of your universe. 


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